
Who is Palagia?

Ms. Palagia has grasped sexual & emotional awareness through her instinct and passions. No one is more qualified in assembling erotic pleasures, of all and any kind, to induce our individual cravings. Instinctually, our minds wants to explore. Her intuition has inspired her to become a sexual anthropologist of sorts and an advocate of healthy human communion. The sexual and sensual freedom she enjoys has permeated positively into all facets of her life: enhancing her zest for love, life and success in business. She has been called a pioneer for her active role in openly discussing sexuality in public forums, to name a few, HBO’s “Real Sex”, Howard Stern Radio Show, Play Girl TV, E! Entertainment among many others. Palagia has worked closely with all genders over the past 20 years, stimulating the synergy between sensuality and sexuality.

In an effort to share her philosophical beliefs, Palagia labors to weave environments that embrace the human spirit of sensuality and sexuality. Shattering the status-quo perception that every time people congregate to court and express their passions must be damned “inappropriate, abnormal or irreverent.” The one area that we are fully permitted to indulge, explore, expound and explode – is through our sexuality.

Through the conception of her 20 year-old enterprise, OneLegUpNYC, many people have been able to indulge their elegant fantasies, repressions and self-discoveries inside the safety of a well-monitored womb at all her events, Eat-In and Take-Out among others. These insomniac events have proven to be more than magical feasts of exotic entertainment. They are a microcosm: a society of ordinary people living life in an extraordinary manner.

Presently, Palagia is taking all these years of experience and knowledge to  other services as well: Intimacy & anatomy coaching/workshops (particulars on the site) because sociologically we are shifting without the appropriate education and information. The global world is becoming a sexless culture. We are in a #sexrecession

The founding of the OneLegUp has enhanced her “Female Empowerment Movement” to expand and continues to flourish for everyone to experience. Additionally, Palagia has written and contributed to scores of published works on sexuality and fantasy in various magazines such as Daily Beast, Playboy, Penthouse, TimeOut New York, New York Magazine, Details, Zink, Esquire, GQ, BlackBook, New York Post, The New York Times, The London Times, The London Observer and has taught at the Learning Annex including on her website – OneLegUpNYC.com. Additionally, she self-published and launched an Erotic Photo Book titled OneLegUpNYC capturing 8 years of OLU’s history. Which has also been archived at Kinsey Institute as well as The Library of Congress.

Palagia graduated from the University of Maryland with a Bachelor’s of the Arts in Communication and a minor in Intercultural Organizational Communication. She has taken many graduate courses in human development and female sexuality. Anatomy and sexuality are where one should be cautions debating these subjects with her.

Palagia’s Name:

How do I pronounce Palagia’s Name?

English: Pa le ja

Greek: Pe la yia

What does her name mean?

Ocean, pleasure, promotes sexual desire, ignites love, and fertility goddess.

The Myth:

Photo Credit: Henri Pierre Picou

The myth of Aphrodite’s birth out of the sea is very probably a reflection of the close connection between water and physical love, sexuality and fertility. There was a tradition that the goddess had lain with Poseidon himself, the master of the seas, to whom she bore Eryx and Rhodes. She was often depicted by ancient artist seated on a sea horse and accompanied by Triton and Nereids. In some sanctuaries, especially those by the coast, she was worshipped with the epithets Pelayia, Pontia and Limenis, all of which referred to her power to calm the sea and ensure that ships voyaged safely.

Aphrodite’s epithets were Acidalia, Anadyomene (born of the sea), Cyprian, Cypris, Cythereia, Eriboea (Periboea), Erycina, Euploios (fair voyage), Papia (sexual love), Pelayia, and Pontia.

Aphrodite originated as a fertility goddess like the great Asiatic goddesses whose domain engrossed all nature, vegetable and animal as well as human. Afterward she became the goddess of love in its noblest aspect (Aphrodite Urania or celestial Aphrodite) as well as its most degraded (Aphrodite Pone, the goddess of lust and venal love and the patroness of prostitutes). She was also Aphrodite Tenetrix who favored and protected marriage. The chief centers of the cult were in Pathos in Cyprus and Cythera in Crete. She also became Aphrodite Pelayia a marine deity under the influence of the legend of her origin. Aphrodite is the archetype beautiful, seductive love goddess.

One of Aphrodite’s epitaphs was Pelayia.
